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Thread States

A thread can be in one of the following states: New thread . A thread is in this state after it has been created using the Th...

Synchronizing Threads

A program may access the same object from separate concurrent threads. To ensure that only one thread at a time can access an obj...

Infinite Applet Thread Example

If an applet executes a thread that is terminated only when the user closes or stops the applet, then we need to stop the th...

Finite Applet Thread Example

Before describing a threaded applet example, OneToTwenty is an applet that paints the numbers 1 to 20 in the applet window. OneToTwenty impo...

The Runnable Interface

An applet is created by extending the Applet or JApplet class; a class cannot be a subclass of more than one parent class, so we canno...

Thread Priorities

By default, a thread inherits its priority from the program or thread that created it. It is possible to set a thread's ...